Canine Marketing

Websites for Dog Breeders

Demonstrate the value of your breeding program

Buyers that shop on a national or even regional level are not looking for an average dog.  Attracting these buyers requires communicating why your breeding is a better choice than the many options available to them.  This can’t be done on a social media post or even on the websites that specialize in selling dogs.  That’s why those sites offer a link to your website and the quality and content of that site will determine your relative success with these buyers.

If you don’t have a website … you are at a serious disadvantage.  You just can’t possibly communicate enough about your program to attract discriminating buyers.  If you have a poor or outdated site … you are not much better off.  We have all become quite accustomed to shopping online and we expect high quality content.  The quality of your website makes a significant first impression about your program that is hard to overcome if the design and/or content is poor.

Sophisticated websites you can maintain yourself

We build sites with software that makes self-maintenance quite easy even if you have minimal technical expertise.  We also use a handful of templates on every site for the Litters and “Started Dogs pages.  These pages were designed to be easily self-maintained.  This means significant savings paying someone to maintain your site.  It also allows you to make changes at while investing no more than a few minutes.

Incredible Value

As a hobbyist breeder with 35+ years experience, I am looking to assist a handful of good breeders market their programs.  Of course, great breeders can always sell pups.  A great website just makes it much easier and less time consuming to connect with buyers that are a great fit.  This is a hobby for me.  I have put together a program that includes training for about half of what most developers charge.

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Website by Canine Marketing

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