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Dogwood Kennel

10720 Harvey Street
Jones, Michigan 49061

Pick-up & Drop-Off Hours:

Monday to Friday – 7:30 AM to 6:00 PM
Saturday – 7:30 AM – 10:00 AM
Sunday – 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Memorial & Labor Day – 5:00 – 6:00 PM

Dogwood Boarding Kennel

Your pet’s home away from home

You can travel in peace knowing your dog is happy and comfortable boarding at SkyDance Pet Lodge. Every pup is welcome at our spacious, crate-free facilities located in both Dousman and New Berlin. Your dog will be welcomed into the SkyDance family and quickly befriended by other dogs according to size, age and personality.

Our pet hotel staff is trained to the highest standard with First Aid and CPR certification for every temperament, including aggressive and anxious dogs. We make special accommodations for senior dogs, diabetic dogs, dogs with social issues and dogs with health issues or disabilities upon request at no extra charge.

Your pup will feel right at home in our boarding rooms and suites. Every dog that stays at our pet lodge gets a cozy room with a bed, soft blankets and stainless steel dishes, all of which are washed daily. Our Further Fun services let you send some extra love your dog’s way with a Snugs and Hugs session or a Treat of the Day. In fact, we offer a free trial day for all first-time dogs.

Litters  |  Training  |  Our Britts

Our Breeding & Training Programs

Brief overview of breeding goals and description of the type of dog being produced by Dogwood Kennel would be added here.

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Scott Berg


Email Scott